Opinion - Part 4

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 8:13 1965 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

The fear of the Lord is seen in hating evil: pride, a high opinion of oneself, the evil way, and the false tongue, are unpleasing to me.

In today’s lesson we will continue to speak on the topic of “speaking your mind which we are using the single word “opinion”. In our previous lesson on expressing your “opinion” we elaborated on three traits to have present before “speaking your thoughts”. The first was being content to be quiet because speaking too much causes problems and trying to fix those problems once spoken only brings more conversation which causes more problems, so on and so forth. The second was being mindful not to talk back or speak over those in authority and please give first place to elders when speaking around them. We know this is pleasing in God’s Eyes and it is polite and bright to treat people right. Amen! Thirdly, we spoke about bringing God on the scene by speaking the Mind of Christ which is basically the “opinion of God” concerning all things upon the earth, inside the earth and all things above the earth. We also taught a lesson on speaking your own “personal opinion” and not mingling God into it. Yes, we highlighted the fact that many Christians think their interpretation of God is God but God is described, explained and interrupted through God’s Holy Word alone, so never think that your own “personal opinion” is equivalent to the holy scriptures as God’s voice to all mankind. In another lesson we touched on weighing the “popular opinion of men” against God’s Word. We should never assume that what we are hearing from others is good simply because the “popular opinion” of men thinks it is good. We are not trained to follow the crowd but we are created to follow Jesus. Today’s topic of discussion will highlight reviewing your “own opinion” of yourself. We use the word review because there are some who already have a “healthy opinion” of themselves and that is good. However, there are others who either have a “low opinion” of themselves or a “high opinion” of themselves. If a person has either one (a “high or a low opinion” of themselves) it will be problematic for that individual and those around them. For example, when discussing one’s “opinion of themselves” it is proven that how you see yourself you tend to see others around you. Yes, this was true in the Old Testament and is also true today. Remember what some leaders of the Children of Israel said unto Moses after coming from the promise land. Numbers 13:33 KJV said, “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” Clearly the ten spies who suffered from a low self-image counted themselves as grasshoppers. However that was not God’s image (opinion) of them so they all needed to renew their mind to God’s Word to see themselves as God sees them according to His Word. Also we noticed they thought their image of themselves others shared also. This is false and too assumptive because the giants were the minority, if anything they saw themselves as being bigger (larger) not so much as everyone else as being little. It is very easy to know what is the normal size and height of men around you, any decent neighbor knows those that live among them because they have grown up in that atmosphere. To assume that everyone sees you as you see yourself is wrong and very deceptive because people typically form their “own opinion” about you not based upon your testimony to them but rather how they see you perform and speak with others you engage with. Plus a “low opinion” of oneself only gives place to the devil to depress and oppress that individual. The enemy of our soul delights in keeping man down to his lowest level (depressed) because then you will never feel great and excited about God when you are not excited or feeling great about who God has created you to be including what God made you to do. Since you are made in the image and likeness of God “your opinion” of yourself should match “God’s opinion” of you. This is truth but we (ihlcc) do know of many children of God who firmly believe a lot less of themselves than God does. God loves you and delights in you and so appreciates all His Time with you but you must adopt that “opinion” of yourself to draw near to God for intimate fellowship with Him (Jesus Christ and your Heavenly Father). Likewise, having an “opinion” that is too high of one’s self is a sin according to today’s reference scripture. First we noticed that being one who has “a high opinion of oneself is not pleasing to God.” This means that they are not looking to God for counsel because they feel in their heart that they have it all figured out. We must guard our heart against arrogance and conceit because both those traits work against humility. We must remember that God is all-knowing so He needs people with a soft and humble heart to listen to Him and obey His Instructions. Yes, the all-knowing God of the universe already has a plan He just needs men upon the earth to work with Him for full implantation of His Plan (His Will, not ours) upon the earth. Those who have a “high opinion” of themselves not only sometimes work against God but they also think that they are better than the average person in the earth. In today’s society it would seem the rich, the successful, the popular and well educated are more prone to have a “high self-image” of themselves because they compare themselves to the average person and believe that they are better than most men. It is very common to compare ourselves with others but God’s Word states in 2 Corinthians 10:12 KJV, “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” This is noted by the Holy Spirit of God through the Apostle Paul because God Loves us all individually not just collectively. The Lord doesn’t look for the smartest or most talented person He simply looks for those hearts that hunger for Him and yes, God will be found by all those who sincerely look for Him. Yes, every person ever born upon this earth and those created in Heaven by God has a purpose and a plan from God for their life. Therefore, it makes no sense at all to look at your neighbor to measure your own individual success. Selah! The proper remedy to both these unhealthy extremes of having a “low or high opinion” of yourself can only be remedied by obtaining a “healthy opinion of yourself”. This “healthy opinion” must be established upon God’s Word because feelings and thoughts will come and go but God’s Word remains the same forever. Yes, day and night, spring or winter “God’s Opinion” about you remains steady and uncompromised because The Good and Gracious and very merciful God doesn’t change “His opinion” about you when you make a mistake or even fail God in a major (or moral) sin. No, God is faithful which means He is faithful to forgive, He is faithful to show mercy, He is faithful to Love you both now and all of your future. So please keep a “healthy opinion” of yourself that knows you are nothing without God but also understands that you are everything you need to be with God. Therefore the key area of focus which both a “low and high opinion” of one’s selves fails to realize is that it is not all about you but rather it’s all about God. So those who have a “healthy attitude (opinion)” about God typically will have a better understanding of who we are in Jesus Christ and that our faith friend makes all the difference in the world. Amen!